Health Coaching
What is Health & Wellness Coaching?
Health & Wellness Coaching is a confidential partnership between you and a Health Coach with the objective of assisting you to achieve your personal wellness goals. Health Coaching utilizes effective behavioral principles to assist you to make lifestyle changes.
What is a Wellness Coach?
Health and Wellness Coaches are trained professional members of the health care system. Their areas of expertise may include nutrition, exercise, weight management, stress/anxiety, chronic condition management, sleep issues and smoking cessation. Health and Wellness Coaches assist you with making behavioral health changes that lead to improved vitality and well-being.
Working together with your Health and Wellness Coach, you will develop personalized strategies, action plans and health-enhancing behaviors that address areas of most importance to you.
Whether your vision for better health means running your first 5K or finding calm in a hectic lifestyle, each action plan is personalized together with your Health and Wellness Coach based on your priorities. Your confidential health coaching sessions are conducted face-to-face or telephonically or a combination of both. A Health and Wellness Coach’s support, education, accountability, encouragement, and their positive approach to identifying your strengths and motivation helps you reach a level of wellness that can be life-changing.
Health Fairs & Biometric Screenings
Our professional health care staff provides high quality service for you, and are available throughout New England. We are a preferred vendor for health insurance carriers & self insured employers and have had repeat customers for over 10 years.
What will you receive? Customized aggregate reporting to build health and wellness initiatives, one on one Health Coaching, immediate results counselling following the screenings, health risk assessments (HRAs) to coincide with biometric screenings. We conducted more than 200,000 biometric screenings last year!
Please contact Choose Health by Sargent & Associates anytime during the year to schedule your company's Fall flu clinic. Book your flu clinic date today, as our Fall dates book quickly!
Call 978-256-7459 or
Health fairs are a great opportunity for employers to improve their employees’ health awareness and self-care practices. Encouraging healthy habits and preventive health care has the potential to reduce absenteeism and medical costs.
Companies that provide employees with regular health awareness opportunities demonstrate their commitment to maintaining healthy lifestyles.
We can customize your health fair to match your company's needs. Health Coaches, Nurses, Biometric Screenings, Food demos, Chair Massages, Informational Handouts and more! The results are mutually beneficial for employees, employers, and the community at large. Everyone wins.
Flu Clinics
Get the Shot, NOT the flu! Schedule your corporate flu clinics for the Fall now! Email Joanne Sargent, RN - or call our office 978-256-7459.