Utilization Review
In accordance with Massachusetts General Law M.G.L.c.152 Sargent & Associates’ utilization review program, Sargent Medical Review, has been an approved vendor since 1998. Utilization Review is a process which affords health insurance companies, employers and municipalities the opportunity to review an injured worker’s medical treatment. This ensures the prescribed surgery, rehabilitation, medication and diagnostic imaging are not only specific to the accepted diagnosis/body part, but are medically appropriate and fall within an established set of guidelines.
Our reviewers utilize the Massachusetts guidelines and criteria adopted by the Health Care Services Board (HCSB) of the MA Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA). When they are not applicable, guidelines and criteria are utilized from other qualified sources.
Sargent Medical Review’s Utilization Review nurses have extensive years of expertise specific to Utilization Review in Health, Disability and Worker’s Compensation.
Our Medical Director, Dr. Richard Zimon, is a member of the Health Care Services Board (HCSB) of the DIA. Since approval in 1998, Sargent Medical Review has remained in optimal standing with the DIA.